Perth-Wellington MP John Nater, left, recently presented three Palmerston Railway Heritage Museum volunteers with Queen’s Platinum Jubilee pins in recognition of their work. Volunteers Bob McEachern, Susan Welsh and Diane Gilbertson received their pins at the museum on Dec. 22. Volunteers Wayne Martin and Chad Martin will also be receiving pins, but were unable to attend the Dec. 22 presentation.
Palmerston residents receive Queen’s Platinum Jubilee pins
SubmittedJanuary 4, 2023 @ 9:50 amIndependent Plus, Listowel Banner, Local News

Perth-Wellington MP John Nater, left, recently presented three Palmerston Railway Heritage Museum volunteers with Queen’s Platinum Jubilee pins in recognition of their work. Volunteers Bob McEachern, Susan Welsh and Diane Gilbertson received their pins at the museum on Dec. 22. Volunteers Wayne Martin and Chad Martin will also be receiving pins, but were unable to attend the Dec. 22 presentation. (Submitted photo)