Open air fire ban issued for Perth County

Ban comes into effect July 15 at midnight

PERTH COUNTY– Effective at midnight tonight (July 15), all open air fires are prohibited anywhere in Perth County, including the Town of St. Marys.

Open air fires are defined as any fire outside of a building and include any fires that are not in a contained campfire pit, or any other fires set in open air.

Recreational campfires will be permitted in Perth County within the parameters of each town/municipality’s open air burn bylaw.

“This fire ban is being imposed due to the extreme dryness of all vegetation in the area. This ban shall remain in effect until further notice,” states a press release issued on behalf Perth County municipalities.

“All burn permits in these municipalities are now suspended. No burn permits will be issued until the ban is lifted.”

Farmers are also being encouraged to “exercise extreme caution when operating equipment, as field fires can quickly overtake equipment, neighbouring crops and these fires can spread quickly into adjacent woodlands.”

Anyone with questions regarding the open air fire ban are encouraged to contact their local fire department. For North Perth, the phone number is 519-291-2050.