The County Towne Players wish to announce that Four Weddings and an Elvis by Nancy Frick is set to perform in 2022.
We’re only human
I’ve seen my fair share of local hockey games over the years. I’ve spent many Saturday nights at the rink covering a PJHL game and many weekends at the rink taking pictures of minor hockey tournaments.
To mask or not to mask – that is the question
As masking requirements are lifted across the country, a lot of people are feeling… well, nervous.
401 Cayley St. residents returning to building
Residents have been returning to 401 Cayley St., Walkerton as repairs are completed.
Bruce County council discusses vaccination status of long-term care home staff
County Coun. Chris Peabody, Brockton, who chairs the county’s long-term care homes committee of management, concluded last week’s meeting by thanking the 15 county employees who were redeployed to both Brucelea Haven and Gateway Haven during the month of February.
Brockton council updated on hospital staffing situation
Mayor Chris Peabody said he’s pleased to learn that agency nurses are filling some important gaps at South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC).
SBGHC to begin reintroducing acute care beds at Chesley hospital
South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) will begin gradually reintroducing acute care beds at the Chesley hospital.
‘Some of the numbers for violent crime are concerning’
Inspector Krista Miller, South Bruce OPP, presented the 2021 year-end report to Brockton council March 8.
Mudmen to perform in Wingham
Mudmen, “Canada’s Celtic Rock Warriors,” have weathered yet another storm surviving the long COVID-19 shutdown. Back and better than ever, Mudmen have a whole new line-up, except for founding members Sandy and Robby Campbell. Mudmen return to Wingham at the Town Hall Theatre on Saturday, April 30
Ribbon Skirt Project Comes to the Huron County Museum
The Huron County Museum is very pleased to host The Ribbon Skirt Project: Creating & Gifting a Cultural Connection, a collection of more than 215 ribbon skirts which will be on display throughout the museum from March 12 to April 10, 2022.
A pre-emptive adieu to Mr. Claude Giroux
Make no mistake, this one physically hurts me to write.
Cyclones drop four of five on recent road trip
CALEDON – Except for a successful outing in Stratford on March 11, the Listowel Junior Cyclones will be looking forward to returning to the friendly confines of the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex following a road trip that saw the club drop four of five games.