Perth County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers are investigating an overnight theft of a Jeep Cherokee from a residence in the Municipality of North Perth.
Karli June talks life, love and hectic summer ahead
The last several months have truly been life-altering for Listowel-born country singer-songwriter Karli June.
Perth County launches new transit app
Perth County, the City of Stratford, the Town of St. Marys and the Municipality of North Perth are excited to announce the launch of the new PC Connect app.
Disconnect policy issues, North Perth Official Plan amended
On June 2, Perth County convened for a lengthy council meeting. Items included the new disconnect policy required by the province, amendments to North Perth’s Official Plan, review of the Paramedic Services June update, and the first quarter (Q1) report.
Avon Maitland board hosts trustee information session
The Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) provided an information session on May 31 ahead of the Oct. 24 municipal election. The session was meant, as Director of Education Lisa Walsh said, to clarify any issues for attendees.
North Perth council requests more info on returning to chambers, Learning Hub design request awarded
June 6 was the first municipal council meeting in two weeks and had a packed agenda.
Maitland Terrace hosts 35th anniversary gathering following pandemic hiatus
2021 was set to be a big year for Listowel’s Maitland Terrace.
World Milk Day again marked with local effort to support area school nutritional programs
June 1 was World Milk Day and to celebrate, the 100.1FM The Ranch participated in some events at Maplevue Farms just north of Britton.
‘Student Vote’ shows North Perth students lean left
With the provincial election now in the rearview mirror, CIVIX has released the results of its provincial student vote.
Discovery Week brings med students to Listowel hospital
According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, despite 18 per cent of the population of Ontario living rurally, less than 10 per cent of physicians operate in those non-urban areas. Now, three medical students are considering practising in rural areas, largely because of their experienc
Atwood firefighters host breakfast fundraiser
Firefighters Steve Pettapiece and Todd Wilken are pictured grilling up breakfast sausages to feed the hungry crowd at the North Perth Fire Department’s fundraising breakfast at the Atwood Fire Hall on June 5
Jesus wept
As I write this, I am preparing for a visitation and memorial for my brother-in-law who died unexpectedly in a recent car accident.
Fifty Archives Treasures: Mitchell Fire Brigade stages ‘Happy Valley’ fundraiser
This week’s 21st treasure from the collection of the Stratford-Perth Archives’ continuing series “Treasures from the Archives” is a poster advertising a charity event at the Mitchell Opera House. This event, a play titled “Happy Valley,” was staged by the Mitchell Fire Brigade in order to raise fund
Running out of time? No way, still in her prime
The still morning spring air is interrupted abruptly by an obnoxious, deafening roar.
Ten Years Ago 2012 – Elma District Fire Chief Ross Robertson retired after 38 years. The…