Strawberry supper

The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary held a Strawberry Supper on Sunday, June 26 at the Walkerton Knights of Columbus Hall, with proceeds going to community projects. Here, Cally Quish, Ellen Sawyer, Leona Settley and Sheila Morrison enjoy the meal.

Bruce County Memories: How radio came to Cargill

Henry Cargill made his fortune cutting pine in the Greenock Swamp, a fortune sufficient to found the village of Cargill in 1879, midway between Paisley and Walkerton, and outfit it with the latest improvements.

Canadian flags a symbol of genuine freedom, not anarchy

For the first time in a couple of years, we are gearing up to celebrate Canada Day – with real fireworks instead of virtual ones, neighbourhood festivities featuring live entertainment and games for the kids (and adults who cannot resist the opportunity to have fun), instead of Zoom.