Council was provided a brief update about the $7 million Adam Street Dam removal and street reconstruction project in Mildmay on Sept. 13.
South Bruce addresses POW-NNW requests about transparency, recording of council meetings
Staff say that accusations laid against South Bruce council by Protect Our Waterways – No Nuclear Waste (POW-NNW) regarding a lack of transparency about negotiations with the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) are unfounded.
Bruce County’s planning committee approves economic development pilot program
The county’s planning and development committee has approved a six-month pilot program – the creation of the temporary role of regional support economic development co-ordinator.
Bruce County wins three Hermes Creative Awards for 2022
Bruce County has won three prestigious Hermes Creative Awards for the “outstanding work in creative economic development video work and marketing campaigns,” said CAO Derrick Thomson.
Capitals drop season opener in Mitchell
Walkerton played its first PJHL game under the Capitals banner on Sunday afternoon. The Capitals travelled to Mitchell to take on the defending Pollock Division champion Hawks to open the 2022-23 season.
Peabody interested in hearing what county has to say about housing
Mayor Chris Peabody said, prior to Tuesday night’s council meeting, that he was very interested in hearing what Bruce County had to say about housing – primarily the response to homelessness.
New experiences
Many hands make lighter work, even if those hands belong to a student learner eager for some experience in journalism.
The lost art of customer service
“You’ll never stay in business if you can’t keep your customers happy and coming back.” Those words, uttered to me by Michael Schurman, a professor at Durham College, nearly 20 years ago, seemed silly to me as a teenager. I was always of the opinion that if you offered a product or service that som
Catch-and-release system does not work
The entire country reeled as news about the tragedy in Saskatchewan emerged – 10 dead, to become 12 with the deaths of both suspects, and 18 injured, in a series of stabbings.
Test drive a car at Walkerton Toyota, help Big Brothers Big Sisters
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kincardine and District has been in the Walkerton area for about a year.
Walkerton Terry Fox Run raises $4,500
The Terry Fox Run in Walkerton on Sunday, Sept. 18, had only about 20 people – most of whom have been participating in it for at least a decade – but raised a remarkable $4,500. Here, run organizers John Markauskas, left, and Karen Walsh, right, stand with run participants Nathan McGurgin, and Judy
Rotary Club of Walkerton welcomes new members, exchange student
(Above) The Rotary Club of Walkerton welcomes its new Rotary Youth Exchange student, Peamvara…
Pat Onions remembers visit by Queen Elizabeth II
When Queen Elizabeth II last visited Canada in 2010, Second World War naval veteran Pat Onions was part of the group of about 200 that welcomed Her Majesty to Halifax on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Navy.
Victoria Jubilee Hall: Celebrating 125 years – and counting
It would be easy to say that the community leaders who laid the cornerstone for Victoria Jubilee Hall in 1897 could never have imagined that 125 years later, the building would be the scene of a gala celebration featuring music, the arts and a demonstration by the fire department.
In memory of The Queen
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 102 Walkerton held a brief ceremony at the cenotaph to mark the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, on Sept. 19. While bells tolled, members of the small crowd that gathered for the occasion placed their poppies on the wreath.