EmployerOne survey open now

The EmployerOne survey is back. Due to the pressures and changes being faced by employers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Four County Labour Market Planning Board put this project on hold for 2021 and 2022.

The Hawks’ Nest returns in 2023

The Hawks’ Nest, a Dragon’s Den-inspired competition where entrepreneurs from various sectors pitch their business ideas in an attempt to secure financial support from a local “Hawk,” is returning in 2023.

News from the Walkerton Library

Hey Tweens! Are you looking for something to do after school? Come to our Tween Club where we will learn new things, meet other kids, and have fun. The club meets every other week – Nov. 10 and Nov. 24 at 4 p.m. This program is suitable for kids ages 9-13. 

King Tut: A star is born in ‘22

Of all the civilizations that ruled the various regions of our planet over the last six millennia, give or take, few continue to hold the same mystique and intrigue that Ancient Egypt does.