Morris-Turnberry council candidate: Kevin Freiburger


Having grown up helping on my parents’ (Marilyn and Gerald Freiburger) farm, I’m no stranger to hard work and tradition. My wife Nikki and I have three young boys, Joseph (7), Thomas (5) and Charles (3), whom we hope to instill these values on as well. I am a life-long resident of Morris-Turnberry, where I currently own and operate my own business, First Line Home Inspection. I am also looking forward to a new farming endeavour with my family.

For the past four years I have served as a councillor for Morris-Turnberry. During this term I served on the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Board, Maitland Source Water Protection Board, the Bluevale Community Committee, and a short stint on the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre Board. I volunteer for the Elementary School Fair in Belgrave, setting up the livestock pens, show rings, and other outdoor events held there.


I still feel that the major issue our municipality faces is the increasing cost of maintaining our infrastructure with a relatively small tax base. This is something that will always be an issue for small municipalities, and I would like to continue working on this by using common sense and cost-effective decision making. Another concern is the shared services agreement with North Huron. It has been a long process, but I am still hopeful that a fair agreement can be reached in the next term of council.