Local business purchases lot in Palmerston Industrial Park

Multi Shelter Solutions plans to expand its operation at the new location

MINTO – Town council has approved the sale of a Palmerston Industrial Park lot to a local business.

On Jan. 18 council authorized an agreement to sell Multi Shelter Solutions the 1.7-acre property at 425 Minto Road for $102,000.

A staff report explains the Town of Minto purchased the property from Blackrose Reserve on Oct. 15, because that company, which had planned to build a cannabis production facility, was not able to fulfill a development covenant in its agreement with the town to acquire a building permit by September of 2021.

Economic and community development director Belinda Wick-Graham explained parties previously expressing interest in purchasing industrial park land were advised of the property’s availability.

Four letters of intent to purchase were received and, “after careful review and consideration” council provided direction to proceed with an agreement of purchase and sale with Multi Shelter Solutions.

“I just wanted to take a moment to just express some gratefulness for the council members having seen the vision that I have for this property and how to develop it and to expand the business,” said Norm Eygenraam of Multi Shelter Solutions.

“It’s great to see, Norm, people that want to invest in our community and I know you have in the past,” said Mayor George Bridge.

“We’re looking forward to watching your business expand and continue to grow in Palmerston,” said Wick-Graham.

Multi Shelter Solutions has been operating in Palmerston since 2005. The business manufactures and distributes plastic-covered greenhouses and tarp-covered storage buildings to a Canadian customer base.

A staff report notes the company has experienced steady growth from three employees to the current total of nine and is anticipating growing to 12 or more.

“The company has seen their sales grow with even more potential for growth expected, which has resulted in the need for additional space,” states the report.

“Expanding their business will allow them to have a larger presence in Quebec and western Canada.”

The report indicates several buildings, totalling 11,440 square feet, will be constructed and the plan is to start construction as soon as possible and to occupy the buildings by the fall of 2022.

The project is expected to generate about $50,564 in development charges.