LISTOWEL – The Listowel U9 Tier 2 Rookie Ball team recently competed in the end of season WOBA tournament in Mitchell.
After a very successful regular season (13-1), the team qualified for the Championship Division, which included St. Marys Red, St. Marys Blue and Exeter.
After dropping the first game to St. Marys Blue 13-4, the team rebounded with a 22-21 win over St. Marys Red, followed by a 24-6 victory over Exeter.
The championship game against St. Marys Blue was a back and forth affair, with St. Marys scoring in the bottom of the seventh inning to win the game 13-12.
“The team should be very proud of their season as they greatly improved their skills and has everyone looking forward to next year,” stated the Listowel coaches.