To the editor,
I want to comment on the one-way traffic project continuing on Wallace Avenue South.
This experiment has been ongoing for quite a while. I noticed, when replaying the council meetings concerning this issue, that almost all the comments were favourable. Digging deeper, on Facebook I found that almost all the comments were negative.
I have tried several different ways to access the north side of town. All are inconvenient and some are downright dangerous. I won›t go into detail because I am confident that those who live south of Main Street know what I am referring to, and those on the north really don›t have the same vested interest. I want to state that I now avoid all the businesses that I used to frequent on Main Street or north of Main Street. It just is not worth the hassle.
I am sure I am not the only Listowel resident that has eased away from these businesses.
It seems that town council should be worried about businesses in the downtown core and their loss of clientele. That sense of concern should also extend to all those residents south of Main Street. The survey they are working from was from 2018, if I understand correctly. Since that time the population, and thus the traffic on this side of town, has grown exponentially. Everyone I have conversed with and that live in this area are of the opinion that the one-way street is not the best choice for traffic control and appears to be a very inconvenient stop-gap for a large number of tax-paying citizens.
Wendy Freeman