Walk for Alzheimer’s

Dear Editor,

As I look out my window and see our lawn full of snow it gives me time for thought and reflection.  All of our lives have been turned upside down by “unwanted politics” need I say more.  It is disgusting and I think there is more we can do for others in our neighborhoods.

After announcing two years ago I would be retiring for raising money for the dreaded disease Alzheimer’s, I plan on knocking on doors once again. The driving force in my mind are the fantastic caregivers whose lives have changed completely while caring for a loved one.  This will be my 14th year of raising money for Alzheimer’s. I already know it will be a success. 

You, the people of Grey/Bruce and Huron/Perth have donated a total of $125,110.00 which at times has me wondering just how did this all happen? I do have to pinch myself realizing after getting my Grade 12 at Lucknow High School (the same one Paul Henderson attended), I make comment and say, “I
was the quietest boy that ever

A lot of my undertakings; that is, walks, crokinole/card events and a special draw, has been one hundred percent backed by all the local newspapers; they are the people who help make any event a success! Thank you!

Peter Carter, Teeswater