To the editor,
I would like to thank Amanda Saxton for her letter titled “Beware of misinformation” in the Sept. 29 issue of your paper.
She was concerned about certain individuals who are running as candidates for trustee for the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board. They belong to a group called “Take Back Catholic Education.” Several times she mentioned that our schools are now doing a lot to promote equity, diversity and inclusion. In order to promote equity, diversity and inclusion, the schools are presently creating different groups in the school with different rights and benefits. This is leading to segregation among students in the school, which I thing is wrong.
The students should all be united in being patriotic to our country. Only the Canadian Flag should be flown on school property. The students also should be united in being taught the teachings of the Catholic Church.
It is a well-known fact that a lot of teachers who belong to the English Catholic Teachers Association disagree with the teachings of the Catholic Church on subjects such as abortion and sex outside of a marriage between a man a woman.
Pope Francis said, “Young people especially suffer from lack of spiritual meaning. Faced with the pain and uncertainties of life, they often find their souls depleted of the spiritual resources needed to process suffering, frustration, disappointment and grief.”
Among our young people there are many suicides, many using illegal drugs and many dying from drug overdoses. The group “Take Back Catholic Education” has a plan to bring spiritual meaning into the lives of our students. They deserve your vote.
Bob Zettel