To the editor,
I read with interest in the Jan. 19 Wingham Advance Times a story titled “Huron County Pride hosting town hall event in Wingham.”
This organization is looking to get input from the community on its vision for Pride celebrations within the community. It further states they will be gathering ideas from the community as to what they want to see in place (Pride parades, festivals, services, events, groups, etc.). It continues by quoting Huron County Pride group member Tim Damon saying, “We will also be discussing our decal program, be sourcing out members for Pride – our goal is to have representation from Pride from each town in Huron County in order to expand our reach – and talking about progress to date and sharing the news on Pride in June.”
I, along with like-minded individuals of our community, feel the town of Wingham in of itself is a very warm and welcoming place, for all walks of life, and anyone who comes to Wingham and calls it their home. Therefore, we feel there is no need for a vision for Pride celebrations within our community, no need for gathering ideas from the community as to what they want to see in place, no need for a decal program to deface and visually distract and disrupt from within our rural community.
Please come and join me at the community meeting to be held on Thursday, Feb. 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the Wingham library to show your support in keeping our warm, wonderful Wingham the way it is.
Respectfully yours,
Julie Dickert