To the editor, As we get older in life, (myself being a baby-boomer) it takes a little longer to…
Library thanks ‘Friends’
To the editor, A joint task force across Huron-Perth recently released a pilot project addressing…
Kettle season
To the editor, It must be perfectly obvious by now that we’re in “Kettle Season” yet again.…
Lessons from the Netherlands
To the editor, Here in South Bruce, as we consider the possibility of hosting Canada’s deep…
Full disclosure
To the editor, It would appear recently there has been somewhat of an uproar over the recent…
Twisting outcomes
To the editor, The big push in South Bruce, near Teeswater, is two-fold. Are the residents informed…
Take away the DGR
To the editor, In response to Tony Zettel’s letter of Nov. 9 (’10 takeaways on nuclear’), it…
Recent letters ‘do not sit well for many’
To the editor, The recent letters written by Tony Zettel do not sit well for many. The 10 points…
‘Outsiders’ help keep rec centre afloat
To the editor, I’d like to address the comment by North Huron Reeve Paul Heffer that 55 per cent…
Holding the high ground?
To the editor, The news seems to get ever darker. The shout-outs against Israel seem to get louder.…
DGR is putting South Bruce on the map
To the editor, As the prospect of a deep geological repository (DGR) for Canada’s spent nuclear…
‘Why bother?’
To the editor, I want to answer your question, “How to engage the disengaged?” (Oct. 26 issue,…
10 takeaways on nuclear
To the editor, Nearly four years ago, I wrote my first letter regarding the proposed deep…
‘Rasputin’ sticks in your head for days on end
To the editor, After reading Dan McNee’s column last week (‘Disastrous reign of Nicholas II…
‘Very blessed to live in a country at peace’
To the editor, I always enjoy reading Robin Hilborn’s column from the Bruce County Historical…