Dear Editor: Recent announcements seem to have raised some confusion in our community about the…
Dear Editor: During our recent Homecoming long weekend the residents (and past residents) of…
Alice Munro tributes shouldn’t change in Wingham
To the editor: I have never been so sick of the media as this past week. My phone rings all day and…
Bruce County Council nuclear endorsement undermines local democracy
Dear Editor: Bruce County Council’s endorsement of the declaration of Global Partnership for…
Beginning of the end for Howson Dam
Dear Editor: I’m afraid that this is the beginning of the end of the Howson Dam. Destruction has…
Trail & ATVs
Dear Editor; The trail came to be years ago by volunteers with multi-purpose in mind. The railways…
Hosting agreement should be read carefully by residents
Dear Editor; South Bruce residents, and others, have you read the Hosting Agreement signed by the…
Hosting Agreement
Dear Editor; South Bruce residents, and others, have you read the Hosting Agreement signed by the…
Shameful leadership in Brockton
Dear Editor. The recent news regarding the realignment of hospital beds to Brockton and Kincardine…
Letter: Support Saugeen Hospice
Dear Editor: We have been having a garage sale to support the building of our new Saugeen Hospice…
Editorial demonstrates why people don’t trust media
Dear Editor; I read your editorial about the media and conspiracy theorists and wasn’t…
Wescast actions a disgrace
To the editor: The machines at the factory no longer make a sound. The Wescast foundry is shut…
Airport is ‘hardly a burden’
Dear Editor: Thanks for the reporting on the chinwag regarding the Saugeen Municipal Airport and…
DGR referendum vote could completely change community
To the editor: Area farmers, farmland, and small communities being “targeted” by elected…
Council asked to reject ATV use on local trail
Dear Editor; I am writing to express my concern about the request to allow ATVs to use the…