Dear Editor, Shortly before the referendum I read in the news where Mayor Mark Goetz said he was…
Reader encourages council to ‘wake up’
Dear Editor, Mayor Mark Goetz and his councillors must be breathing a sigh of relief, but under…
NWMO was given an ‘open door’
Dear Editor, How can we be a willing host community with only a 2.4 per cent difference in the…
DGR hosting agreement puts NWMO in charge of South Bruce’s future
To the editor: The DGR Hosting Agreement Puts the NWMO in charge of South Bruce’s future.…
DGR could provide new opportunities
Dear Editor, By the time this letter is printed, the referendum will be underway in South Bruce,…
DGR would change nature of community
Dear editor: Voting for the referendum has already begun. The residents of South Bruce have a big…
Medical professor says NWMO misrepresents the safety profile of DGRs
Dear Editor: I am writing about the Deep Geological Registry (DGR) proposed for Teeswater by the…
Look at the possibilities – make sure to vote in DGR referendum
Dear Editor; In the spring I attended a Nuclear Waste Mangement Organization (NWMO) meeting and…
Community’s future worth fighting for
To the editor: In 2022, I ran for municipal council in South Bruce. I wanted to be on council…
Face-to-face open information on the DGR
Dear Editor: Finally, a face to face open information event about the DGR. It was held in Teeswater…
NWMO concerned about misinformation
Dear Editor, In recent days, the NWMO team in the Saugeen Ojibway Nation–South Bruce siting area…
Every vote counts in South Bruce
Dear Editor, From Oct. 21 to 28, South Bruce residents face a pivotal choice, whether or not to be…
Being informed on all perspectives of DGR before casting a vote is a moral imperative
To the Editor: The timing of the latest educational public forum about the proposed Nuclear Waste…
Grain of salt helpful in absorbing opinion
Dear Editor, In reading a recent letter to this paper (“Who can we trust to provide reliable…
The referendum is days away
Dear Editor, The referendum on the South Bruce DGR is only days away, and residents have an…