Dear Editor,
This Monday is Earth Day. A time to celebrate the bounty and privilege that comes with living on a planet that is supposedly in transition to a greener way of life. Or as politicians put it Carbon Neutral by 2050.
However in Canada, where on a per capita basis, we continue to utilize the resources of 1.7 planet Earths, we have nothing to celebrate. We are in Zombie mode to the true devastation we bring to the planet with unbridled mindless consumerisn that satiates our unabated drive for economic growth – growth that is powered by green-washed marketing schemes and politicians who tell us we can have our cake and eat it too.
Please excuse my cynical view on this. But it comes with over 40 years of activism and involvement with various environmental causes that seem to have gone one step forward two steps back.
So don’t let me rain on your Earth Day parade.Maybe dear reader, just chalk this letter up as an absurd rant from an old burnt-out tree hugger.