To the editor,
What is wrong with this picture?
North Huron has no money. We’re selling, closing and demolishing to save money. Suddenly, we need a new council chamber and more space for additional staff. Granted, it’s a request from staff, which is not surprising – all staff want bigger offices.
There is nothing wrong with the present council chambers.
Council meets twice a month for a total of four hours, each meeting held after office hours.
We have high enough taxes and a new council chamber will do nothing for the people of North Huron.
How many citizens have ever set foot in the present chamber?
We live in an age of technology. Staff do not have to be in the same building – COVID proved that. Not even the provincial or federal government staff are in the same building.
Get with technology and move the staff to the Wescast Community Complex, or even East Wawanosh or Blyth.
Verna Steffler