Murray asks about bridge load limits

Dear Editor:

Bruce County Deputy Warden Don Murray asked a very good question about the bridge load limits (“County council receives update on Durham Street bridge weather delays impact timing, but project is on budget” – Walkerton Herald-Times Feb. 13).

I believe that question should be asked to Looby Builders Ltd. Can they do the required work safely with the bridge fully opened? And if the traffic lights are going to remain for one lane traffic then I would like to see the bypass remain for the rest of the construction as otherwise, I believe, that the businesses might as well close up shop until the construction is finished as Durham Street will become a big parking lot.

Snow removal quandary

Yes, our streets are getting narrower because of the older-fashioned winter that we are having.

There are things that we citizens can do to help with this, like don’t park on the street before snow removal and don’t put the snow from your driveway on the street.

In the meantime give a friendly wave to our maintenance crews that are keeping our streets open and safe for us. Remember that when citizens are complaining about the snow removal there’s a quick way to get it done quicker – more equipment and more employees but that translates into higher taxes! Then what does the town do with these when we have less snowfalls?

I want to say thanks to all of the staff for the great job that you do.

John McCuaig, Walkerton