Fundraiser for Ukraine planned

To the editor,

The last couple of Sundays, money was collected by Peter and Jo-Ann Carter for Ukraine from Sacred Heart Teeswater parishioners. We successfully raised $412 from those who wish to give, plus and pledge from Walkerton and two from Hanover – one of which was our 14-year-old grandson, who gave us $10, which we matched. We delivered the $412 to the Barrie office of the Canadian Red Cross on Friday, March 11.

There is more money to be raised for the Canadian Red Cross as we are planning a large crokinole tournament called “Crokinole for Ukraine” to be held on April 30 at the Walkerton Knights of Columbus Hall.

We are expecting 100 players from across Ontario and possibly the United States to participate. All the details have not yet been finalized, but it will be a success. The time to help the people of Ukraine is now.

If you want to participate, please give us a call at 519-392-8115.


Peter and Jo-Ann Carter
