Archived Letter – 1362

Dear Editor:
It is, of course, not only the responsibility of our schools to educate our children, but also to keep them safe while on school property.
Unfortunately one risk they face is from some parents of these students.
Most schools have signs indicating when and where cars are allowed onto the school property and when they are not allowed at certain times and areas.
An example of this is at CWDHS in Fergus. A sign clearly states only busses are allowed in front of the school at certain times of the day, and yet many drivers ignore that sign, interfering with busses and putting students at risk because of the congested traffic.
Some schools do a better job at separating drivers from busses and students than others, but it is the responsibility of all drivers coming to pick up students to obey the rules of the school which also sets an example to their children to the importance of obeying rules.
The tragic deaths of many students on school property like we witnessed recently, and all too often in the United States, fortunately is much less a threat here, but also tragic would be the injury, or worse, of a single student because of a preventable accident involving a car on any school property.
Drivers simply obeying school rules and signs would go a long way to reduce this risk.
Rodger Smith

Rodger Smith