Dear Editor,
Oh how we’ll look back on the great storm of 2025. Young kids will be gathered around a virtual reality campfires, asking their elders what it must have been like in January 2025- when the winter storms came ripping through so fiercely that the kids were kept out of their brick and mortar schools for two weeks.
The elders will tell tales of temperatures that were seasonal for a Canadian winter, albeit with a few days of frigid cold. Surely the snow must have been pilled to the rooves of the houses with no way to escape!? It will, however, be recalled as snow that rose to the top of our winter snow boots, the same boots we wear in Canada for such weather.
I digress from the make-believe future conversations and turn to the current state of affairs.
Clearly the carbon tax money we’ve all been paying for to fight that pesky global warming climate change with cents and dollars has been working. What else could we attribute having such a harsh winter to here in Canada? With a provincial election around the corner and eventual federal election, if it weren’t for those taxes, I assume at this time we would all otherwise be enjoying a cold drink out on the golf course (assuming people can afford leisure activities after being taxed to oblivion.) Hopefully we will see some common sense restored into our elected officials, and with any luck, a trickle effect of common sense will come to the rest of our society.
Zach Weber,