At the April 12 Formosa Lions’ meeting, President Lion Jim Batte (left) was presented with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award by Lion Hank Soers, club secretary. Batte joined Lions in 2005 and has served as president three times. He and his wife took in 26 Lions’ Youth Exchanges between the years of 1995 to 2014. He has been active in all organizations in Formosa and can always be counted on to assist in community projects. Batte is the 14th Formosa Lion to receive this award.
Jim Batte presented with Melvin Jones Fellowship Award
SubmittedApril 19, 2023 @ 1:47 pmLocal News, Walkerton Herald-Times

At the April 12 Formosa Lions' meeting, President Lion Jim Batte (left) was presented with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award by Lion Hank Soers, club secretary. Batte joined Lions in 2005 and has served as president three times. He and his wife took in 26 Li-ons' Youth Exchanges between the years of 1995 to 2014. He has been active in all or-ganizations in Formosa and can always be counted on to assist in community pro-jects. Batte is the 14th Formosa Lion to receive this award. (Submitted photo)