Joan Chamney, Bruce County Human Services, accepts the donation of a Christmas tree-full of knitted and crocheted items – hats, mittens, blankets, baby clothes, socks, slippers and more, from the talented and generous community members who participated in this year’s Walkerton Herald-Times “Knitten’ Tree” campaign. Presenting the donation on behalf of all the donors is…
Herald-Times’ ‘Knitten Tree’ supports Dorrell Young Christmas Program
Midwestern NewspapersDecember 13, 2023 @ 12:07 pmLocal News, Walkerton Herald-Times

Joan Chamney, Bruce County Human Services, accepts the donation of a Christmas tree-full of knitted and crocheted items – hats, mittens, blankets, baby clothes, socks, slippers and more, from the talented and generous community members who participated in this year’s Walkerton Herald-Times “Knitten’ Tree” campaign. Presenting the donation on behalf of all the donors is Pauline Kerr. The items will be distributed to families and individuals in need through the Dorell Young Christmas Program. (Julie Kelly photo)