(Above) Bev Gateman, Ontario Student Nutrition Program Grey Bruce, accepts a donation of $14,541 from the Walkerton Tim Hortons Smile Cookie campaign. From the left are Gateman, Shelley Eckenswiller, Ashley Hoogenboom, David Hoogenboom, Tricia Folz and Christie Huntley. (Below) The Hanover Tim Hortons stores presented Gateman with $22,086. From the left are Gateman, owners Corrina Allen and Mitch Allen, Shannon Ernest, Bill Foster and Jenn Zettler. The program also accepted Smile Cookie money from Southampton, Port Elgin, Kincardine, Lucknow, Durham, Dundalk and Thornbury.
The Hanover Tim Hortons stores presented Gateman with $22,086. From the left are Gateman, owners Corrina Allen and Mitch Allen, Shannon Ernest, Bill Foster and Jenn Zettler. The program also accepted Smile Cookie money from Southampton, Port Elgin, Kincardine, Lucknow, Durham, Dundalk and Thornbury. (Submitted photo)