GREY-BRUCE – The Grey Bruce Ontario Health Team (OHT) planning committee will be hosting a community information session on Wednesday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. This is the fourth session in a series of community information sessions designed to provide an overview of the health system in Grey Bruce.
The community information session will provide a high-level overview of the health-care system in Grey-Bruce in order to increase the understanding of health-care services and delivery in our community.
At OHT information sessions held with community members on March 24, and health service provider board members on May 12, participants expressed an interest in learning more about the health services offered across Grey-Bruce. To assist in addressing this feedback, and to provide members of the public with more information about the local health-care system as we embark on the establishment of the Grey-Bruce OHT, a variety of health system representatives will provide an overview of different areas of the health system throughout a series of community information webinars.
The first session in the series was held on June 29, highlighting home and community care support services, long-term care, and hospital sectors in Grey-Bruce.
The second session was held on Sept. 29, highlighting primary care, mental health and addictions, and community support services in Grey and Bruce.
The third session was held on Oct. 27, highlighting paramedic services and palliative care services in Grey and Bruce.
The fourth session in the series will take place on Nov. 24, and will provide an overview of public health and service provider organizations in Grey and Bruce.
The Grey Bruce OHT planning committee community information session is open to everyone in the community. Further details about the session can be found at the Grey Bruce OHT website:
To join the event, please go to:, click Join a Meeting, enter Meeting ID#: 846 8215 6332 followed by Passcode: 832389. If joining by phone only the number to dial is: +1-647-374-4685.
Ontario Health Teams are being introduced to provide a new way of organizing and delivering care that is more connected to patients in their local communities. Under Ontario Health Teams, health care providers (including hospitals, doctors and home and community care providers) work as one co-ordinated team – no matter where they provide care.