LISTOWEL – Sergeant Manny Coelho worked as a police officer for decades before truly addressing his mental health. During a five-month break from work, he experienced everything from support to questions of confusion of why he needed this time off. This stigma and lack of understanding surrounding mental health for first responders is why he…
First Responder walk aims to break stigma surrounding mental health
Rachel HammermuellerJune 27, 2024 @ 9:00 amListowel Banner, Local News, News, Police

First responders, local residents and supporters joined together to walk for mental health awareness June 22 to June 23. The 24-hour event, held at the Steve Kerr Memorial Complex indoor track, aimed to break the stigma surrounding mental health of first responders and offer resources and support for those struggling or looking to educate themselves to support their family, friends and community. From left, Jamie Davis, manager, Therapy Dog Program at Boots on the Ground; Sergeant Manny Coelho, North Perth OPP; Nicole Kurtz and Leah Carrier, mental health clinicians – West Region, OPP. (Rachel Hammermueller photo)