I must be like a broken record. But, I am learning the hard way. I am not following my own guidelines for both nutrition and exercise. I keep asking myself why, but the answer comes back to procrastination. I am so full of good intentions that I am wondering how she (my wife) puts up with me.
Why should I do it all? I am feeling OK – sort of. Few of those reading these columns are having the health issues that I am. My wife, my caregiver, has slowly taken over most of my chores including garbage, gardening and snow shovelling, etc. As you are aware, the snow in the last weeks has been enormous. If it wasn’t for some kind neighbours who help my wife out, we would be buried. It is hard to believe all that she does for me. I am not pulling my weight, and I wish I could.
On Monday I have 2.5 hours of being injected, via an infusion, a liquid that I don’t understand but is supposed to add something to my system that is not added naturally. Apparently, it is meant to boost my platelets, or something like that, in my blood. This happens at St. Joseph’s Hospital in London.
On Tuesday, I go through the same procedure again at St. Joseph’s. These infusions are meant to deal with my autoimmune disease called dermatomyositis. According to my rheumatology doctor, the dermatomyositis is caused by the steroids that have been given to me for other reasons. The dermatomyositis has been triggered by melanomas that have now been removed.
During the Tuesday morning session, I meet with my rheumatology doctor for a monthly update. I have been somewhat depressed, since I did not feel that I was progressing to get back to normal as fast as I would like. Both my rheumatologist and my wife reassured me that I was coming along quite well. They both said that my eating was quite healthy and nutritious but I was not doing enough exercise. My instructions were to do a minimum of 30 minutes programmed exercise per day, every day. And the doctor said that with a wag of her finger at me. It’s rather weird for me that, on my own cognizance, I won’t do enough exercise but under doctor’s orders I do what and when I should.
Then at 1:30 p.m. I meet with my oncologist to hear the results of my CT scan from two weeks ago. This is to determine whether my melanoma cancer is being destroyed by the powerful drugs that I have been on for the last months. The answer is yes! There is no sign of the melanoma spots in my lungs. This was a great relief. However, I am to stay on my pills (two in the morning and two in the afternoon, both on an empty stomach). This is to ensure that they do not come back. I will get another CT scan in three months; that is a lot of radiation.
A little over one year ago I was admitted to St. Joseph’s after a 15-hour triage. They wanted to make sure that they could help me. I have been under the care of the St. Joseph’s team for the last year. At times, I am impatient, but they are working hard to recover my health. My aim is to be able to play golf next spring. My guess is that they are working to keep me alive and in good health. Each to their own, I guess.
The doctors here in southwestern Ontario go all out to get me the best solutions available. It pains me that some criticize our medical system, but I feel that the medical people do the best they can. It is not an easy job and some improvements can be made, but nothing is perfect and I feel that I am improving; that’s all I can ask.
And “My Voyage with Dementia” continues.
Bob Murray is retired from the graphic communication (printing) industry and has been living in Seaforth since 2015. Murray was diagnosed with Dementia in 2013 and works hard to stop the progress of the disease. Follow him on his blog entitled Voyage with Dementia – https://myvoyage553264702.wordpress.com.