CHESLEY – On an unseasonably warm Saturday, April 15, Klages Mill in Chesley was the site for Ontario Horticultural Association’s District 8 annual general meeting.
Organized and hosted by the Chesley and District Horticultural Society, approximately 100 society members from Huron, Grey and Bruce were in attendance. The various societies displayed their banners and supplied highly coveted door prizes. The event’s theme was “Nature at its Best.”
Karen Redmond shared greetings on behalf of the District 8 executive. A portion of the day was reserved for business and the installation of a new slate of District 8 officers, but the event wasn’t all business. After registration, head table dignitaries were piped in by Andrew Loucks. Arran-Elderslie Mayor Steve Hammel and Grey-Bruce-Owen Sound MPP Rick Byers brought greetings. Once the host society president, Lorna Kingston, had welcomed everyone, a land acknowledgement occurred followed by the singing of O Canada.
During roll call, societies shared successful new member recruitment techniques. The Chesley Hospital Auxiliary and local visual artist/author Cindy Matthews participated as vendors. There were many desirable items donated to the loonie table and silent auction, with fundraising dollars going directly to adorning Chesley in flowers and plants.

Clarke Birchard, guest speaker and retired outdoor educator, sharing the importance of developing a respectful relationship between humans and nature. (Submitted photo)
Clarke Birchard, beloved retired outdoor education teacher, shared knowledge and visuals on “Natural and Human History of the Kinghurst (Krug) Forest Nature Reserve.” His presentation received a standing ovation.
A tasty luncheon, catered by Ron and Georgina Klages, was followed by desserts donated by members. Local teacher and singer, Susan Dietrich, shared a beautiful live musical performance. A skit, written and directed by Faye Bell McClure, was performed by Chesley and District Horticultural Society members. Prizes were awarded for the poster and photo contests. Each society member took home a gift which included: a pen, a pamphlet featuring Chesley, and miniature samplers of maple syrup and honey. Other supporters of the event were: Paisley Freshmart, educator and singer Susan Dietrich, Huron Bay Co-Operative Inc., Grange Hollow Gardens and Nursery, B&L Farms Services Ltd., lawyer and piper, Andrew Loucks, the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie, and Hatten Home Hardware.
Congratulations for this well-planned event go to the host society’s president, Lorna Kingston, and committee members Elaine King, Donna Ahrens, Faye Bell McClure, Brenda Gordon-Ginter, and Cindy Matthews.

Faye Bell-McClure (Chesley and District Horticultural Society member) and Piper Andrew Loucks. (Submitted photo)