Council expressed concerns over county matters that will impact municipalities, beginning with county development charges and the Good Growth discussion paper.
Wingham Advance Times
Council approves request for donation bin at landfill
A Diabetes Canada donation bin could soon be coming to the Morris Ward landfill.
Smuck Bridge construction remains on schedule
Construction of the Smuck Bridge on Abraham Line remains schedule and budget.
Landfill water monitoring program to expand
Director of Public Works Jamie McCarthy informed North Huron council on Oct. 18 that the water monitoring program at the Wingham landfill site will need to expand its parameters after current testing showed a larger radius of monitoring is necessary.
Howick Fire Department awarded FCC AgriSpirit funding
Farm Credit Canada (FCC) is giving $1.5 million through its FCC AgriSpirit Fund to 88 community groups across Canada to support rural capital projects.
Green’s Meat Market makes donation to Fire Department of North Huron
Green’s Meat Market had a grand reopening earlier this year after being shut down due to a structure fire. As part of the celebrations, Green’s held a barbecue where all proceeds would be donated to the Fire Department of North Huron (FDNH). The event raised $4,000 and the decision was made to upgra
Wingham and District Hospital Foundation reaches radiothon campaign goal
The recent CKNX Health Care Heroes Radiothon was once again a success, raising more than $500,000 for 12 area hospital foundations.
Coffee Break at Christine’s Clothes Closet
During Small Business Week last week, Huron County Economic Development recognized and celebrated businesses for all that they contribute to make Huron County an incredible place to live and work. From Oct. 18-22, 30 small business across the county, chosen in consultation with local BIAs and Chambe
McDonagh Insurance celebrates 90 years in business
Little did the late John A. McDonagh know that his decision to better support his family by transitioning from farming to the insurance industry would go on to support four generations of his family after him.
Board members needed for proposed new agricultural science centre
Jill Lewis, chair of the Huron Perth Ag Science Centre – a concept that might see a children’s agricultural museum built somewhere in North Perth – presented to Huron County council on Oct. 20.
Wingham Community Garden donates 1,540 pounds of produce to North Huron Food Share
The Wingham Community Garden harvested 390 peaches this year, with one tree producing 62 pounds of the tasty treat, a bumper crop, a spokesperson for the group said in an email.
Amount of waste going into Wingham landfill has doubled since 2016
The lifespan of the North Huron landfill site in Wingham has drastically declined, and this has the Director of Public Works Jamie McCarthy concerned.
Rally, march kicks off ‘Our Risk, Our Choice’ campaign in Teeswater
Exactly one year before the election of a new municipal council, a campaign began to have a public vote in South Bruce to decide what ratepayers in the farming community want to do in regards to the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s (NWMO) plan for burying nuclear waste in their backyards.
North Huron sees decrease in OMPF allocations
The province announced allocation amounts for the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) last week, with local municipalities receiving varying amounts.
Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health announces dates for outreach program
Training is completed for all volunteers participating in the Community Vaccine Champion (CVC) workshops, and the Gateway Centre of Excellence in Rural Health is ready to begin reaching out to vaccine-hesitant community members in rural Ontario.