Huron County OPP have arrested and charged a local man, claiming he was caught with a stolen snowmobile this week in Wingham.
Wingham Advance Times
Bailey explains North Huron’s unusual request to neighbouring municipalities
Reeve Bernie Bailey recently sent an unusual request to surrounding municipalities, asking councils for financial assistance to help offset the costs of running the North Huron Wescast Community Complex and the Blyth Community Centre.
North Huron requests $71,871 from South Bruce to support arena costs
In November, North Huron council passed a motion to direct staff to ask neighbouring municipalities for financial support for their residents’ use of North Huron’s recreation facilities.
‘Series of alarming events’ ends with canine unit catching suspect
Huron County OPP has charged a North Perth resident with 22 criminal charges following what police are calling a “series of alarming events” earlier this week.
Howick council shows support for Fordwich subdivision
Howick council showed support for two applications to rezone and sever a parcel of land located on Patrick Street in the village of Fordwich at its Jan. 18 meeting.
Avon Maitland District School Board offering free PSW certification program
The Avon Maitland District School Board’s Centre for Employment & Learning (CEL) is preparing to offer a new free Personal Support Worker (PSW) certification program, with on-the-job training in a co-operative education format.
Huron Perth Public Health reports seven outbreaks at area LTC, retirement homes
While a high percentage of senior Huron-Perth residents are now triple-vaccinated, Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH) continues to report a number of active outbreaks in regional long-term care and retirement homes.
North Huron requests rec funds from North Perth council
Several councillors asked for discussion at the Jan. 24 council meeting pertaining to a request for financial support for use of recreational facilities sent to North Perth by the Township of North Huron.
North Huron requests $102,325 from Howick to support arena costs
In November, North Huron council passed a motion to direct staff to ask neighbouring municipalities for financial support for their residents’ use of North Huron’s recreation facilities.
Howick council honorariums to increase 4.4 per cent
On Jan. 18, Howick council passed their annual remuneration bylaw, approving a pay increase of 4.4 per cent.
Nelemans expresses sticker-shock over BMGCC fundraising consultant fee
A recent decision by Huron East council has one councillor in Morris-Turnberry frustrated.
Huron Perth Public Health draft budget presented to Huron County council
Medical Officer of Health Dr. Miriam Klassen and Julie Pauli, director of corporate services at Huron Perth Public Health (HPPH), made a brief appearance at the Huron County budget meeting Jan. 19 to present the HPPH draft budget for 2022.
Pine River Cheese to reopen this summer
A piece of welcome news was on the agenda of the Jan. 17 meeting of Huron-Kinloss council – the return of Pine River Cheese.
Officer assaulted, two Lucknow residents charged
A Huron County OPP officer was assaulted and narrowly escaped serious injuries following an incident that took place in Goderich last week.
North Huron Reeve wants clarification about land acknowledgement statements
Reeve Bernie Bailey is looking for clarification from Huron County council regarding the differences in which Indigenous Peoples are being acknowledged in the Land Acknowledgement statements both governments have recently started using.