Home sales in Brockton finished the year on a high note.
‘Snow’ much fun at Centennial Park
Winter delivered a blow in terms of a sudden cold snap with plenty of snow, starting on the weekend. The younger set, with parents, couldn’t be more delighted, celebrating the icy beauty of Centennial Park at warp speed on sleds, snow boards and toboggans.
Council urges province to move ahead with natural gas expansion
Coun. Kym Hutcheon made a motion at the Jan. 9 meeting of Brockton council regarding natural gas for the area.
Victoria Jubilee Hall committee updates council on upgrades to hall in 2023
Through what Bob McCulloch called the “strategic” use of funds, Victoria Jubilee Hall (VJH) has done a lot of work over the past year.
Lack of new JPs a challenge for local courts
Amanda Kokas, provincial offences court manager for Grey and Bruce counties, provided an update on court operations to Bruce County council on Jan. 11.
Province announces $1.5M in funding for Saugeen Hospice
Provincial funding announcements, even of this magnitude, rarely draw such a large, enthusiastic crowd – especially during a winter storm.
Perth County Official Plan entering public consultation
Staff anticipate the new Perth County Official Plan to be completed before the end of 2024, however, significant public consultation and provincial approval are needed first.
Former Monkton library property to be listed for sale by municipality
Since the Monkton Library moved to the Elma-Logan Recreation Complex, council asked staff to consider the sale of the former site in May 2022. At the Jan. 8 council meeting council voted to list the property for sale.
Report reiterates North Perth’s commitment to health care
Last month, council was told to expect over 9,000 North Perth residents to be without a family physician in the next five years, as a result of the approaching retirement of six local doctors.
Transportation Master Plan recommends expanding Listowel sidewalks, trails
The North Perth Transportation Master Plan (TMP) proposes $6.7 million in upgrades to the pedestrian and cycling network, citing data collected from locals surveyed.
Grey Bruce Farmers’ Week draws larger-than-ever audience
Grey Bruce Farmers’ Week (GBFW) found the right combination of features for a top-notch agricultural trade show a long time ago. Times change, and so do the elements for that winning combination. This year’s GBFW is the proof.
ROMA conference will be busy for Brockton, Bruce County reps
The upcoming meeting of the Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA) conference is taking place in Toronto from Jan. 21 to 23.
Meeting proposed for three municipalities regarding future of Saugeen Municipal Airport
Chris Peabody, Brockton mayor and Bruce County warden, said that after an extended break for the holidays, “it’s back to work – ROMA (Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference), budget and two county meetings this month.”
Bruce County: Stay informed about winter road conditions
Bruce County’s transportation department reminds the public about winter road safety. All roadway users must travel safely, share the road, and respect others.
Bruce County implements development charges as of Jan. 1
Bruce County has officially joined a growing list of upper- and lower-tier municipalities in Ontario that have implemented development charges.