A recent donation from Blessings To You in Palmerston will allow the Town of Minto’s community services department to offer several free programs this winter.
Independent Plus
Long-time Listowel Banner GM Bill Huether announces departure after 25 years in media
It would be a very rare occasion indeed if Bill Huether walked into a local restaurant, business, or even the pro shop of the Listowel Golf Club and not know 95 per cent of the people in the room. Perhaps even more rare, that he wouldn’t speak with every single one of them in some facet.
Police, fire officials mum on whether Palmerston blaze could be linked to party two days earlier
The OPP is investigating a fire that destroyed a building on Norman Street here on Monday but both police and Minto Fire officials remain tightlipped about whether or not the blaze could be linked to a previous incident at the site two days earlier.
Palmerston building demolished after major structure fire
Minto Fire, along with Mapleton and North Perth fire departments, have wrapped up operations at a fire that destroyed a building on Norman Street here.
Residents evacuated near scene of major structure fire in Palmerston
Residents near the scene of a major structure fire in Palmerston are currently being evacuated due to heavy smoke in the area.
Minto provides COVID-19 relief funds to minor hockey group
The Town of Minto will provide a grant of $14,800 from a pool of COVID-19 relief funding to the Minto Minor Hockey Association.
Province unveils plan to lift COVID-19 public health measures
No more capacity limits in gyms, restaurants and recreational facilities. By February vaccine requirements will be lifted and a month later masks won’t have to worn indoors.
Poll: Majority want CRB benefits to end before next year
With five of the emergency benefits programs introduced by the federal government to support…
Poll: Half of Canadian parents with children aged 5-11 ready to vaccinate their kids
Based on strong hints from public health officials and pharmaceutical companies, the next chapter of Canada’s mass COVID-19 vaccine story appears poised to involve inoculating younger children – and one-in-two parents of younger children are ready to jab their kids right away.
Province officially launches Verify Ontario app
The Ontario government has released its long-awaited COVID-19 vaccination verification app.
Poll: Three-in-five Canadians would have preferred outcome of federal election held using proportional distribution
In a federal election where little changed, Canadians have been left searching for value from the…
Ontario announces new funding for Perth County long-term care homes
The Ontario government will provide up to $270 million this year to long-term care homes across the province to increase staffing levels, leading to more direct care for residents. This includes $3,255,821 for long-term care homes in Perth-Wellington.
Province investing $100M to help tourism industry rebound from pandemic
The Ontario government is investing $100 million through the new Tourism Recovery Program to help stabilize the province’s tourism industry as it recovers from the impacts of COVID-19.
Pettapiece announces $3.9M for Perth-Wellington hospitals
Hospitals in Perth-Wellington are set to receive over $3.9 million in funding, Perth-Wellington MPP Randy Pettapiece announced last week.
Local residents recognize National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
To acknowledge Indigenous people here in our region and across Canada, out of respect for the survivors of the Indian Residential School System and the many generations since who have lived the intergenerational trauma caused by the system, but most of all to honour those children who didn’t make it