The truth is out there…

It seems the American government has decided to rename UFOs; now they are called UAPs. Instead of Unidentified Flying Objects, we have Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

We look for a day when faith will be made sight

Recently our worship service was opened with a call to worship that acknowledged that God is Sovereign, that He reigns above all and above everyone else and that He is actually in control. From that thought we were called to worship Him, submit our hearts to Him and acknowledge His goodness and care

Closing off a story that isn’t over

It was a beautiful sunny day in April 2022, the kind of day that gives you an immediate boost because it is so darn nice outside. I walked along a path winding through freshly-ploughed fields to the Kenyan village of Mwaita, singing along to Stan Rogers to try and wake up my tired brain. 

My caregiver continues to work hard on my behalf

On Nov. 16, 2021, I was snug as a bug in my very comfortable bed in the hospital. Leah had just returned from home to find out what was going on with me. I didn’t know, except there were a bunch of tests that I was scheduled to take. Apparently, depending on the results of the tests, I could expect

Always choose kindness

Have you ever said something to someone that haunts you later? Maybe you compliment someone, but then hours later while you’re trying to fall asleep that night you think, “I hope they took that as a compliment.” 

OFA Viewpoint: Farm shows bring people together

September means fall harvest on the farm. And while that’s a busy time of year, the Ontario agriculture industry also makes time for two of the biggest agricultural shows on its calendar: Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show (COFS) and the International Plowing Match and Rural Expo (IPM).

Look back to go forward

She had been exercising and eating well for six weeks. She came in and asked if she could check her weight. I reluctantly said yes. I was reluctant because she had made such tremendous progress; she was consistently exercising and choosing healthier food options for six straight weeks, and I didn’t

Splendid speeding solution

Anyone who follows the news, such as you fine readers, or follows local politics will know that one of the most common issues brought to municipal council is speeding on local roadways.

Caregivers are absolutely necessary

About a month ago Leah (my caregiver and wife) was invited to a friend’s (Her name is Dee) cottage up near Kincardine for three nights. My health had needed Lea’s full attention, 24/7, for the last two years and three months. She left me alone while she went to visit but had a PSW come to check up o