Among the axioms we live by in the world of journalism is that stories, editorials and columns we expect to cause a stir, often don’t, while reports we deem innocuous can end up setting off a firestorm.
Crime is not an urban or rural problem, it is everyone’s problem
It could be a very long, frustrating summer, if current police reports are any indication.
It’s still Easter
Happy Easter everyone! It’s true – it’s still Easter. Long after the colored eggs and chocolate bunnies are devoured, Jesus’ followers are still celebrating Easter. It’s a whole season really. Our Eastern Orthodox family members will be celebrating Easter well into the month of May.
Canada moves closer to point of no return with our national debt
There’s an old bit of wisdom courtesy of Ernest Hemingway that you go broke two ways: first gradually, then suddenly.
A Tale of Two Livington(e)s
In the past, many articles have been written about the two John Livingston(e)’s of Listowel. I think it is time for a bit of a refresher lesson on these two prominent Listowel figures.
Airport would be better under private ownership
The tri-council meeting last week regarding the future of Saugeen Municipal Airport was an excellent start, as the public, excepting pilots who fly there, may not have had a full understanding of our airport (officially an “aerodrome” as classified by Transport Canada and not eligible for any federa
How do we boost productivity? Give workers a piece of action
As the former CEO of Magna International, one of Canada’s largest manufacturing companies, my philosophy was always that employees don’t work for you – they work with you.
The Paper Bag Premier
Just when you thought our provincial government couldn’t possibly have any more flops to flip, Premier Doug Ford and Co. have managed to announce a reversal of yet another major policy initiative.
Ottawa housing aid targets millennials, Gen Z
It seems Ottawa has been listening. A major focus of last week’s federal budget was housing, with billions of dollars directed to improving the chances of home ownership for millennials and Gen Z, who now make up a majority of the workforce.
April 25, 2024 turnbacks
2014 – A new doctor arrived to practise in Listowel. Dr. Lauren Hayward started in May, and recruitment success is credited to the progressive clinic.
Time to end the silence
Terrorism has many faces in this world of ours – wild-eyed bombers, machete-wielding fiends, idealogues who think wearing scraps of military gear and carrying a gun adds relevance to their cause.
Editor post latest stop on journalistic journey
“So who is this guy?” you may be asking as you reach the opinion section of this week’s issue of your local newspaper?
Want to fix the economy? Start by fixing our tax system
For most Canadians, April is the time of year when frustration and anger over our convoluted, loophole-ridden tax system is at its highest.
Good feeling continues into spring of 2024
Finally, the snow has stopped and melted. It is time to get the garden planted. I estimate that we have had our last frost.
It’s been such a long time…
There is an element of déjà vu settling in as I sit down to pen the final instalment of my bi-weekly rambling here in ye olde op/ed section.