Bruce County seeks public input on transportation

BRUCE COUNTY – Bruce County is undertaking a transit demand and feasibility study to get input on the need and demand for transit solutions for county residents, workers, students, and visitors.

The public is invited to participate in an initial public feedback opportunity, in the form of an online survey, that will help Bruce County develop an understanding of local travel needs.

Take the survey by Friday, May 26. This opportunity to provide input will only take a few minutes to complete. Responses will only be published in anonymous format to support the planning of transit in Bruce County.

For those unable to complete the survey online, call or email to request a hard copy of the survey be mailed to you: 1-519-881-1291;

Fill in a hardcopy of the survey in-person at the Walkerton Administration Centre (30 Park Street, Walkerton), Penetangore Hub (529 Gary Street, Kincardine), Lakeshore Hub (1243 MacKenzie Road, Port Elgin) or Peninsula Hub (268 Berford St., Wiarton).

Surveys are also available at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre in Southampton, and at any Bruce County Public Library branch.

“The input of residents, businesses, and visitors traveling in the communities of Bruce County is essential to understand the need and demand for transit,” said Bruce County Warden Chris Peabody. “Council and staff are eager to hear from you as we examine transit needs and consider the feasibility of different transit options in order to build plans for the future.”

Bruce County will also be undertaking stakeholder engagement sessions in May with local municipalities and key groups and organizations. The objective of the transit demand and feasibility study is to review existing services, identify local travel needs, and develop a plan to address the needs identified. Please stay connected for announcements about future opportunities to provide further input on transit in the region.