EXETER — The public had the chance last week to learn and ask questions about the upcoming…
Incoming Lambton Shores clerk a frequent traveller
LAMBTON SHORES — Nancy Wright-Laking has served in municipal offices ranging from medium-sized…
Personal info request diminished budget input in Lambton Shores
LAMBTON SHORES — Potentially intrusive questions dulled council’s first stab at formally…
Better with Cheddar: Just get out there and do it
Years ago, Nike came up with the most simple and yet effective slogans ever — Just do it. Those…
DQ Challenge Cup coming up
EXTER — The South Huron Minor Hockey Association 2016 Dairy Queen Challenge Cup is coming up Jan.…
It’s pink, it’s on the rink and it fights breast cancer
EXETER — Pink is returning to Exeter this weekend to fight back against one of the most common…
Exeter racer on track for major sponsorship
EXETER — At only 10 years old, Exeter racer Cody Wilds has an impressive list of accomplishments…
McBeath Funeral Home sold to Hasketts
ZURICH — An era in the funeral business in Zurich and Hensall is coming to an end as Joyce and…
Drop-in centre for youth to be created in Lucan
LUCAN BIDDULPH — Council has agreed to set up a youth drop-in centre at the Lucan Community…
Committee wants to protect Bayfield’s Clan Gregor Square
BLUEWATER — The Bluewater Heritage Committee wants to make sure that as Clan Gregor Square is…
Courtesy parking tickets appreciated in Grand Bend
LAMBTON SHORES — A 2015 bylaw enforcement initiative that had officers issuing ‘courtesy’…
Lucan plans ball diamond upgrades
LUCAN BIDDULPH — Lucan Biddulph has tentative plans to upgrade the small diamond at the Lucan…
County, municipalities talk shared services
SOUTH HURON — The issue of the County of Huron and its lower-tier municipalities sharing some…
Eighty homes proposed for Co-op lands in Exeter
EXETER — Eighty detached dwellings are planned for a subdivision on lands owned by the Hensall…
Council learns of engageHURON group
SOUTH HURON — South Huron council learned Dec. 14 of a Huron initiative that works to keep people…