EXETER — Supporters of a residential hospice for Exeter were dealt disappointing news last week…
ABCA warns public about potential flood season
EXETER — On Feb. 23 the ABCA presented its updated flood emergency plan to local first…
Cayley Mercer named player of the week
POTSDAM, N.Y. — Exeter’s Cayley Mercer has been named the Eastern College Athletic Conference…
Former NHLer Krys Barch enjoying life after the game in Grand Bend
GRAND BEND — Former National Hockey League player and tough guy Krys Barch has lived in a few…
The challenges of living with someone new
We have been in our new place for three months now. One of the most common questions I get asked is…
Committee recommends new Rec Centre
SOUTH HURON — The municipality’s ongoing considerations about what to do with its aging…
No ministry funding for Saintsbury lights
LUCAN BIDDULPH — Traffic lights will be installed at Saintsbury Line and Main Street in Lucan,…
Lucan Biddulph mayor delivers mixed news regarding funding
LUCAN BIDDULPH — Funding from provincial programs was discussed recently at Lucan Biddulph…
Nerd night comes to Huron Park and Centralia
CENTRALIA — The Cultural Collective recently announced that with the support of the Huron-Perth…
Wind farm funds may boost Canada 150 festivities
LAMBTON SHORES — Council last week approved a recommendation that $50,000 derived from the…
School board trustees ask for report on inclusion policies
SEAFORTH — Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) trustees have requested a report from its…
ABCA board approves 2017 budget
EXETER — Board members for the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) approved the…
ABCA board elects chair, vice-chair
EXETER — The Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority (ABCA) board of directors has a new chair…
Exeter Skating Club off to a good start
EXETER — The Exeter Skating Club’s competition season has gotten off to a successful start. The…
Peewee Rep Sabres having success in the playdowns
EXETER — The South Huron Peewee Rep Sabres are at the tail end of their second round Ontario…