The name Fiona will long be remembered whenever storm clouds gather, the wind rises, and creatures great and small head for high ground. At least in the eastern part of this country, Fiona was the storm that finally convinced climate change deniers that something real and dangerous is going on, and
Time to do our homework as election draws near
Election signs have sprouted up, gracing lawns and public spaces like so many bright, autumn flowers.
Catch-and-release system does not work
The entire country reeled as news about the tragedy in Saskatchewan emerged – 10 dead, to become 12 with the deaths of both suspects, and 18 injured, in a series of stabbings.
Canada mourns the passing of Queen Elizabeth II
A number of years ago, a youth choir was about to perform at an event in the area, and one of the songs was “God Save the Queen.”
Province’s plan to ‘fix’ health care jeopardizes rights of vulnerable elderly
The province has a plan to open up more beds in our hospitals – force the “bed blockers” out and into nursing homes, against their will when necessary.
Back-to-school: easy does it
Kids are heading back to school for what will hopefully be the first somewhat normal school year since COVID-19 hit.
If the board room lacks answers, try the lunch room
How to fix health care was the big news from the province in the wake of this year’s Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference.
The case of the disappearing candidates
Where are the candidates?
Rural hospitals face unique challenges
Ontario’s premier made a statement recently that had a lot of people scratching their heads – very carefully, to avoid injury that might necessitate a trip to the emergency room.
Putting epidemics into perspective
There is no more effective way to throw fear into the hearts of the general public than to mention the word “epidemic.”
We have important decisions to make
Apart from making people with variable rate mortgages break out in hives, most of us are not too sure what the Bank of Canada’s decision to hike up the interest rate means.
Province running out of time to deal with housing crisis
Most of us are familiar with Monopoly. Roll the dice, move your playing piece and buy property. Collect rent from anyone who lands on something you own.
Where has the ‘middle’ gone?
It promises to be a long, hot summer in more ways than one, as divisiveness grows on both sides of the border. Many of those divisions have the potential to explode into violence.
Canadian flags a symbol of genuine freedom, not anarchy
For the first time in a couple of years, we are gearing up to celebrate Canada Day – with real fireworks instead of virtual ones, neighbourhood festivities featuring live entertainment and games for the kids (and adults who cannot resist the opportunity to have fun), instead of Zoom.
Fuel and housing costs ‘out of sight’
There was a time when the words “out of sight” would be uttered with a delighted smile.