Jamie McCarthy, North Huron’s director of public works, provided a report to council on Sept. 20 regarding Huron County council’s plans for an environmental study to be conducted at the intersection of County Roads 4 and 25 in Blyth.
North Huron having trouble hiring recreation staff
Director of Recreation and Community Services Vicky Luttenberger spoke at length to North Huron councillors regarding the staffing shortage at both the North Huron Wescast Community Complex and the Blyth Community Centre, saying if they didn’t make some changes, the options would be limited for keep
Council turns down Wingham Minor Hockey request
North Huron council received a letter, signed by the Wingham Minor Hockey Association executive, requesting that they reconsider the ice rates or consider some support for the upcoming season.
Maitland Conservation warns of imminent bluff failure on Lake Huron shores
Maitland Conservation continues to warn residents along the shores of Lake Huron that ongoing erosion along the watershed is causing parts of the bluffs to break away and slide off into the lake.
Language, culture stolen by residential schools now part of reconciliation process
The United Nations (UN) named 2019 as the International Year of Indigenous Languages to highlight the need to preserve, revitalize and promote the use of the world’s estimated 7,000 Indigenous languages - 2,680 of which are considered to be in danger.
Changes to North Huron’s human resources policies and procedures introduced
North Huron CAO Dwayne Evans presented the new human resources manual to council at its Sept. 13 meeting.
Proposed Gypsy Lane name change causes heated discussion in council
Angry residents from Blyth spoke their minds at the beginning of the in-person council meeting on Monday evening after a plea from Nathanya Barnett, a Romani descendant, for council to allow the request from the Blyth BIA to change the name of Gypsy Lane.
Draft community engagement report on DGR project released
The answers are in, from an independent survey conducted in South Bruce recently to determine the term “willingness.”
Swedish mayor joins nuclear waste expert to discuss DGR at CLC meeting
Two guests from Sweden joined the monthly Community Liaison Committee (CLC) on Sept. 2 to talk about their experiences with the nuclear industry and their progress on building a deep geological repository (DGR) for used nuclear fuel.
Truth and Reconciliation calls to action on education continued
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) provides regular updates on the progress of the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) calls to action (CTA), keeping tabs on governments, educational and religious institutions, civil society groups, and all Canadians for full and meaningful implementation on all of the
Huron County offers one-time licensed childcare relief
Parents struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic will get a break in licensed childcare fees for Oct., the county announced in a press release.
Huron County to discuss vaccine passports at October meeting
During the councillor’s issues portion of the Huron County council meeting, the topic of vaccine passports was raised. Councillors were informed that the matter would be on the agenda for discussion at the Oct. 6 council meeting.
Assembly of First Nations National Chief visits three local territories
SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO – Newly elected National Chief RoseAnne Archibald visited Neyaashiinigmiing…
Truth and Reconciliation progress on education calls to action
Many Indigenous people in Canada raised on a reserve have not received the proper education…
Saugeen Ojibway Nation appealing title, treaty court decision
SON TERRITORY – The Saugeen Ojibway Nation (SON) Joint Council launched an appeal of the Ontario…