Increased use of sidewalks in both developing areas and older areas of Listowel has demonstrated a need to increase the winter maintenance service level.
Local knitter overwhelmed by support from Banner readers
Listowel Banner readers made Ruthann Salzman happy by showing support when she put out a call for help to continue her work crocheting afghans and knitting hats for the homeless or people in need.
It Takes A Village open to help community, receive donations at new Listowel location
The move is complete and It Takes A Village reopened at 148 Main St. W. on Oct. 12 to continue its work supporting the community and to start receiving donations at the new location.
Wallace Avenue South one-way street pilot gets more time while North Perth council awaits recommendations
Council received a presentation on Oct. 18 from Julia Salvini, of Salvini Consulting, regarding the one-way street pilot project that has been taking place in the downtown core of Listowel.
Trowbridge’s Mathers Park sees areas designated for memorial
After residents approached the municipality about the creation of a memorial area at Robert Mathers Park in Trowbridge, Jeff Newell, manager of facilities, brought forward a recommendation to council at its Oct. 18 meeting.
Field updates council on Perth County SWIFT rural broadband internet projects
According to an update presented to Perth County council on Oct. 7 by SWIFT Executive Director Barry Field, five rural broadband projects are underway in the county and will be completed by the end of 2022.
Perth County agrees to collaboration with Huron Perth Ag Science Centre
On Oct. 7, Jillian Lewis, chair of the board for the Huron Perth Ag Science Centre made a presentation to Perth County council to ask for support.
Majority of North Perth council in no rush to return to in-person meetings
A report on corporate policy regarding the return to in-person meetings was presented to council on Oct. 4. The municipality has an obligation under provincial legislation to take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect the health and safety of its workforce and members of the public fro
North Perth pushes for housing density in long-awaited Lunor subdivision
The Lunor subdivision, a proposed development planned for the east side of Tremaine Avenue in Listowel which has been on the books for over 15 years, was grudgingly given another extension of draft plan approval on Oct. 7 by Perth County council.
North Perth budget visioning underway for 2022
The first meeting of the 2022 budget process was held on Oct. 6, a visioning meeting to discuss ideas brought forward through a public survey, which was available throughout September.
Local knitter hoping for wool donations, creates hats, afghans for people in need
Ruthann Salzman has been crocheting afghans and knitting hats for the homeless or people in need for the last eight to 10 years, but she says that the wool has become very expensive.
In Photos – Listowel Ag. Society hosts craft/pumpkin show
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Council follows RAC recommendation to not further subsidize North Perth minor ice sports
Council decided on Oct. 4 not to support a reduction of ice rates for minor sports in North Perth facilities.
What’s in a name? The muddy Maitland’s ties to Canada’s residential school system
Menesetung is a Chippewa word meaning “laughing waters”, a very pleasant name that brings to mind a river that could have been the main source of life for most of us in the Midwestern Newspapers reading area. In fact, it once was.
The Talking Circle Perth Huron hosts National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event
A crowd of Indigenous people and non-Indigenous allies from Huron and Perth counties clad in orange shirts gathered at Market Square in Stratford on Sept. 30 for a solidarity Walk to Remember to Falstaff Family Centre for the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.