No need for bottles

Dear Editor:

RE: Not so simple, Oct. 8.

It is possible for the Canadian public to stop buying bottled water, it just takes effort and no one in today’s society is willing to do it.

I too worked in construction back in the day. In 1973 and 1974 I worked as a plumber doing all the underground services for the Metro Zoo; believe me it was the Gobi Desert in summer and Siberia in winter. In summer I had a cooler full of ice and water with me (it prevented me from dying) and at lunch break I would go to my pickup truck where I had a cooler full of water and ice and refilled it.

Imagine, I survived without bottled water. A little effort was involved and that is what the people need to do today – make a little effort.

I don’t know if you have seen the satellite shot of the island of plastic floating in the middle of the ocean, but I personally do not want to contribute to that.

By continuing to purchase bottled water, think of the impact you are having on your grandchildren and great Grandchildren, let alone the planet.

Dennis Ransome,
Mount Forest