Dear Editor:
Re: Administrator used museum van, staff for personal move, April 25.
I would like to extend kudos to the Advertiser’s editorial staff for making the community aware of the blatant misuse of the county’s resources by Janice Hindley.
I am not sure what I personally despise more, the blatant misuse of county resources, or the two letters (Public shaming and Easily forgiven, May 2) in support of such a despicable action.
There was absolutely no mention why the Bristol truck couldn’t make a second trip; after all the move was only from Elora to Fergus.
When I read: “There’s so many more serious problems and issues in the world” (Hindley’s April 17 interview), I am not reading any remorse for using our resources, I am reading disdain that she got caught.
I wonder how many more of our resources are being blatantly misused by other county staff that we don’t know about? I have written in the past about an overwhelming sense of entitlement by county employees. Hmm!
Something that is even more sinister that I have learned from former county employees and some current employees as well, is the top down form of management instituted by the county. Lower level employees dare not question upper level decisions and instructions for fear of severe reprimand. I know at least one former hard working employee who was fired for not towing the party line.
I wonder how much choice the two employees who helped Hindley had? We will never know because of their likely fear of reprisals.
Thank you Mrs. Ecclestone for making the Advertiser aware of this incident. Thank you Wellington Advertiser for making the community aware (keep up the good work).
The county needs to adopt a policy either condemning such actions with very uncomfortable consequences, or get into the vehicle renting business and make resources available to the tax-paying public.
Wayne Baker,
Wellington North