Archived Letter – 891

In response to John McCuaig’s from Guelph’s letter about Residential chicken coops problematic. I have three hens in my backyard. I asked Minto council to change the by-law to allow backyard chickens in the towns of Clifford, Harriston and Palmerston (Minto). I have had my chickens for over a year. They are housed in a barn in the back of our yard, they have a covered run outside that they use daily all year long. Their water and food dishes are always full, all year long. In the winter their outside run is covered with very heavy plastic to keep the wind and cold and snow out. Inside their coop they have a covered box with a heat lamp that houses their nesting box and their water dish. Not once last winter did they run out of fresh water, nor were they cold or uncomfortable. The thing I see with backyard chickens, not everyone is going to want to rush out and buy 3 or 4 chickens, nor will they. It is expensive to set it up properly and I believe that the people like myself who really want to have chickens in their backyard will do it properly and will take the time to make sure they stay healthy and happy.
My hen house and run are cleaned out daily, and I can guarantee that there is no smell. Unlike large scale chicken farmers, having 3 to 5 hens does not cause any problems when taken care of properly. I am certain that Mayor George Burns and the councilors will make sure that there are proper procedures in place if they change the by-law to allow backyard chickens. I am sure they will figure out how to check on the ones like myself who are serious about having backyard chickens to make sure it is being done properly and that the hens are not “just chickens” but are being treated with love and respect that any animal deserves. My hens are “Pets with Benefits” and are treated as well as they would be if they were a cat or a dog. Backyard chickens do not have to be problems.
Connie Murray

Connie Murray