GRCA issues warning ahead of 40mm weekend forecast

MIDWESTERN ONTARIO – A weather system forecasted to arrive later this evening and continue over the weekend is expected to bring up to 40 mm of rain to the Grand River watershed. Thunderstorms may further increase the amount of rainfall in localized areas.
According to a release from Grand River Conservation Authority, no significant flooding is expected with this event; however, river flows in local waterways will be higher than normal for this time of year. This increases the risk of flooding in low-lying areas near watercourses and in urban areas if drainage systems are overwhelmed.

GRCA reservoirs will be used to reduce downstream flooding; however, river flows will remain elevated, increasing the safety risk around rivers and streams throughout the watershed.

The public is encouraged to exercise extreme caution around all local waterways. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery and, when combined with cold, fast-moving water, pose a serious hazard. People are reminded to keep children and pets away from all watercourses. Recreational users on local waterways should be aware of the current conditions and exercise additional caution.

River conditions and forecasts are being monitored closely. This message will remain in effect until noon on Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

For more information on flows, weather and reservoir conditions, refer to GRCA’s website at
For a “River Safety Rules” brochure, refer to the “Learn & Get Involved/ River Safety” section.