School board provides additional info regarding North Perth boundary review

To the editor,

We have a follow-up to your recent “From the Editor’s Desk” piece (June 9, 2022 issue of the Listowel Banner) about the North Perth Boundary Review project. We would like to provide additional context to help you and your readers understand this very complex issue.

The one minor correction is that North Perth Westfield has one portable and Listowel Eastdale has three portables. Additionally, North Perth Westfield was named by the local transition committee of parents, students, community members and staff, and then approved by the trustees.

Nancy Rothwell, trustee for North Perth and acting chair of the board, has shared the reasons for both of the deferrals.

“Both of these deferrals were intended to ensure the community and those directly impacted had the chance to voice their concerns. The first deferral was to allow the Boundary Review Committee and community time to read the extensive report and to encourage additional feedback,” said Rothwell.

“We did receive much additional feedback and as a result, a new, modified recommendation was made and the second deferral was to allow time for this recommendation to be fully considered.”

In addition, trustees confirmed with board staff that deferring the decision would not impact the work needed to accommodate the changes. In short, the trustees and staff have extra time to ensure the best course of action is being taken. The decision will be on the agenda for the Tuesday, June 28 meeting.

Your main suggestion is to build a new school in the south end of Listowel. However, Cheri Carter, superintendent of corporate services and treasurer, points out, “As we indicated in our reports and in our responses to questions (posted on our North Perth Boundary Review page), Boards are not allowed to add square footage through additions to existing schools or through new schools without Ministry of Education approval. Even if we had the funds to build a new school, we are not allowed to do so.

When we built North Perth Westfield and when we build the Eastdale addition, we were/are restricted to the square footage allowed by the Ministry.”

Carter added, “We continue to advocate in the province for acknowledgement of future growth when the Ministry grants and/or approves capital projects, but as of now, the Ministry generally approves only when there has been a sustained period of over-capacity. In other words, we have to have outgrown our space for many years before we can expect approval for additions or a new building. And in order to accommodate that overcapacity until we get to a point where we might get approvals, we look to our neighbouring AMDSB schools (as per the April 26 board report) or must utilize portables (as per the May 24 board report).”

For any additional information, we can be contacted at or through our local Trustee Nancy Rothwell at

On behalf of the AMDSB Board of Trustees,

Chera Longston

Communications Manager

Avon Maitland District School Board