Brockton issues update on province moving to modified step two 

BROCKTON – In response to Premier Doug Ford’s announcement on Jan. 3 regarding temporarily moving the province into a modified step two of its Roadmap to Reopen, access to the public for certain municipal services will be affected as of Jan. 5 until further notice.

The scheduled Grey Bruce Health Unit’s vaccination clinics at the Walkerton Community Centre will continue:

  • Thursday, Jan. 6, noon to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, Jan. 8, noon to 6 p.m. (Go Vaxx Bus)
  • Thursday, Feb. 3, noon to 6 p.m.
  • Thursday, Feb. 17, noon to 6 p.m.

Appointments can be booked by visiting

Municipal services, including fire and emergency services, road maintenance, water, wastewater, waste management and landfill operations, cemetery operations, and building inspections will continue as scheduled. For further information about municipal operations and the COVID-19 pandemic visit or the municipality’s social media accounts.

The following municipal services will be affected as of Jan. 5 until further notice:

  • MUNICIPAL OFFICE – The Brockton Municipal Office will remain open but appointments for service are strongly encouraged. Residents are encouraged to pay bills online, or use the drop-off box, which is checked regularly by staff. Lottery and marriage licensing services and commissioner of oath services are available by appointment only. Please contact the municipal office at 519-881-2223 to book your appointment.
  • BUILDING PERMITS – Residents wishing to obtain building permits can drop off documentation at the municipal office drop-off box or (preferably) via email, and can direct all inquiries via email or telephone to building department staff.
  • CEMETERY – Residents are encouraged to call the municipal office at 519-881-2223 for all cemetery inquiries.
  • RECREATION – The recreation office at the Walkerton Community Centre is closed to the public until further notice, with the exception of drop-offs for well water samples. Well-water samples can be dropped off at the Walkerton Community Centre between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 1:40 p.m. Monday to Friday. Recreation department inquires can still be made by telephone 519-881-0625 or email
  • FACILITIES – All facility rentals, recreational and leisure programs, including private bookings have been postponed until further notice. The Elmwood Community Centre, Cargill and District Community Centre and Bradley School House Community Centre are closed to the public until further notice.
  • SKATING OVAL – The outdoor skating oval at Lobies Park will be opened to the public (hours and dates to be determined), weather permitting, with users limited to ensure appropriate physical distancing in place.
  • PARKS – All other parks, trails, open spaces and amenities remain open except those seasonally closed; individuals must maintain a physical distance of least two metres apart from others and social gatherings are not to exceed 10 people.
  • CHILD CARE – The Brockton Child Care Centre remains open. The school-age programs are cancelled until further notice in compliance with provincial direction. An emergency child care program will be established for children of eligible workers as identified by the province. Individuals wishing to participate in the emergency child care program must apply through the County of Bruce by emailing
  • LANDFILL – Landfill sites remain open to accommodate residents. Brant Landfill is open Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Greenock Landfill is open Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walkerton/Hanover Landfill is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Due to COVID-19, residents are reminded to wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing when attending landfills. A limit of 10 vehicles at a time remains in effect for the Brant and Greenock landfills.
  • GARBAGE AND RECYCLING PICKUP – Household garbage and recycling pickup continues as scheduled unless otherwise advised. The Walkerton Recycling Depot (MTO Yard) remains open and cardboard recycling and styrofoam drop-off are still available if an attendant is not present.
  • BAG TAGS – Residents are encouraged to continue using weekly curbside garbage collection. Residents are encouraged to purchase more than one tag when out getting necessities such as groceries and gas. Bag tags can be purchase for $2 each at Cargill Country Variety – 205 Main Street, Cargill; Circle K – 189 10th Street, Hanover; Circle K – 13553 Bruce Road 10, Hanover; Paisley Freshmart – 436 Queen Street North, Paisley; Towne Convenience – 420 Durham Street East, Walkerton; Walkerton Foodland – 125 Durham Street East, Walkerton; Walkerton Valu Mart – 1200 Yonge Street South, Walkerton.
  • COUNCIL – Council of the Municipality of Brockton will continue to meet electronically as scheduled on Jan. 11 and 25. The 2022 municipal budget meetings will also occur electronically on Jan. 25 and 26.
  • LIBRARIES – The Cargill and Walkerton branches of the Bruce County Public Library remain open to the public with 50 per cent capacity limits. Curbside pickup is also available in order to limit the number of patrons in the building. Room rentals at the Walkerton Library are postponed until further notice.

What you can do to help:

  • Get vaccinated as soon as eligible and possible.
  • Wear a face covering (upgrade from a cloth mask).
  • Avoid gatherings and close contacts with individuals outside of your immediate household.
  • Get a COVID-19 test at an assessment centre if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are a contact of a known COVID-19 case.
  • Stay home if you are sick, if you have COVID-19 symptoms, or are waiting for test results after experiencing symptoms.
  • Maintain physical distancing as much as possible.
  • Complete a daily COVID screening of symptoms.
  • Wash your hands frequently.

The Municipality of Brockton urges the public to be kind and respectful of business operators and staff who are required to follow the provincial regulations.

Residents are encouraged to continue to support local businesses and participate in alternate arrangements such as take-out services or curbside pickup where available to limit in-store capacity.

Let’s work together to continue to keep our community, family, friends, and neighbours healthy.

The Municipality of Brockton will continue to obtain information and updates from the County of Bruce, The Grey Bruce Health Unit, the Province of Ontario and other health agencies and will provide new information to residents when available. The municipality will continue to take all steps necessary to maintain essential services for residents and local businesses. Please visit or the municipality’s social media accounts for updated information, or call the Municipal Office at 519-881-2223.

For the latest announcements and additional safety measures regarding COVID-19, visit the Province of Ontario’s website and the Grey Bruce Public Health website.