WDCS Grade 6 students take part in Team Unbreakable event

WALKERTON – On Friday, June 17, students at Walkerton District Community School completed their Team Unbreakable event.

For the past 10 weeks, these participants have been running with their teachers twice a week, and learning about how physical activity is good for their mental health through presentations delivered by the Brockton and Area Family Health Team.

Ms. Wilson’s and Ms. Dietze’s Grade 6 classes were part of a larger group of 15 elementary classes in Bruce-Grey to participate in the program, which has run locally since 2017. To learn more about Team Unbreakable, visit www.teamunbreakable.ca.

“A huge thanks goes to the Brockton and Area Family Health Team and their sponsors for making this program available to our local youth,” said the Grade 6 teachers. “Great job to the students for all their hard work and effort!”